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Game of Cones

Game of Cones

“FEAR AND COOKIE DOUGH” TRAILER Season 1 trailer for ‘Game of Cones.’ (EDIT 5.6.2020) Before Game of Zones there was Game of Cones, and before Game of Cones there was… MORE »Game of Cones

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade

BASKETBALL FRIENDS LeBron James opens up to Dwyane about his desire for a championship, and then learns a thing or two about his teammate.

Prince Fielder and Ryan Braun

BASEBALL FRIENDS Brewers’ Prince Fielder and Ryan Braun spend a late night together under the stars.

Jose Reyes Calls David Wright

BASEBALL FRIENDS David Wright receives a late night call from his teammate and friend, Jose Reyes.This was the second ever episode of Baseball Friends, the precursor to ‘Sports Friends’

buddy bird

Buddy Bird – Lenny Dogstra

Buddy’s got a new look and some new (old) friends. On this episode, he discusses his recent dog mishap.


Darrel Strawberry

Here’s the intro sequence for ‘Darrel Strawberry’ (not THAT Darryl Strawberry), a new cartoon coming soon to

Darrel Strawberry may look like a happy-go-lucky cartoon, but he’s actually a seriously deformed human living in the real world. He’s cute and he knows he’s ‘special’, but that don’t pay the bills. Oh, and he’s Greg Zoobro’s best childhood friend from his special school days.

markmarcmark featured image

Epic Toothbrush Race

Sometimes I help my ‘buddies’ at make some marketing misfires for their site. Here’s one for a contest they had where each kid patient was given a special colored… MORE »Epic Toothbrush Race