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Epic Toothbrush Race

Sometimes I help my ‘buddies’ at make some marketing misfires for their site. Here’s one for a contest they had where each kid patient was given a special colored… MORE »Epic Toothbrush Race

Hammerhead Shark

Anything Does StanD UP (EP.1) First installment of ‘Anything Does Stand-Up Comedy,’ where literally anything can take the stage. In this episode, a hammerhead shark discusses the pitfalls of life… MORE »Hammerhead Shark

Loveline: The Cartoon

This was a pilot presentation for an animated version of the popular radio show ‘Loveline.’  Long story short, the content was a wee bit too racy. Dr. Drew was on… MORE »Loveline: The Cartoon

Greg Zoobro

Greg Zoobro was born with a terrible deformity: he has no body. He’s just a head with arms and legs. His organs are all packed inside the bottom of head.

In this first (and currently only animated) ‘episode’ of Greg Zoobro, Greg loses his stool.

(Created in winter 2009)